Oreo And Orange No Bake Cheesecake

Anamaria C

For the base:
   - 200 g oreo
   - 125 g butter
For the Cream
   - 200 g cream cheese
   - 100 g icing sugar
   - 10 g gelatin
   - 3-4 oreo biscuits
   - 7 tbsp cold water

For decoration:
   - 2 oranges
   - 5 g gelatin

  • Crush the biscuits in a plastic bag or a blender until you get fine crumbs. Melt the butter and add it to the crushed biscuits mixing until well combined. Put them in a round baking tray pushing down with a spoon until you get a firm and even layer. Put in the fridge until the cream for the cheesecake is done.
  • Mix the gelatin with the cold water and put aside. 
  • In a separate bowl mix the cream cheese with icing sugar and crushed biscuits. 
  • When the gelatin is hydrated put it in a pan on low heat for 2 - 3 seconds until it starts to melt and leave it to cool down for a minute (make sure you don't forget about it because it will set again). When it doesn't burn to the touch add it to the cream cheese mixture, after is well combined pour the cream on top of the biscuits base and put it in the fridge.
  •  When the cheesecake starts to set, blend the orange slices and mix them with the gelatin prepared in the same way as we did for the cream cheese then pour this mixture on top of your cake. Leave in the fridge for 2 - 3 hours or over night.    

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C

Anamaria C
