Pies with cabbage and sausage


For the dough:

     375 gr flour
     150 ml water
     50 ml of oil
     1/2 teaspoon salt
     20g fresh yeast
     1/2 teaspoon sugar

To prepare the cabbage:

     1 small cabbage
     3 homemade sausages
     2 onions
     150 ml of oil
     salt to taste
     1 tbsp concentrated tomato paste
     2 bay leaves
     a pinch thyme
     1 bunch dill


First prepared cabbage, I had prepared the day before.

Tocam cabbage and rub with salt and pepper.

Put in hot oil and prajima sausage in it, turning it from side to side.

When they are well browned removes and add onion in hot oil.

We care not stick chewing on it with a spatula.

When onion becomes translucent, add chopped cabbage and mix it several times to help to soften.

Add bay leaves and cover the dish to boil muffled.

When cabbage is almost cooked, add tomato paste, sliced ​​sausage and thyme and let fire May 1 Soft 15 minutes.

A more appropriate taste and salt and pepper, if there is any.

Finally add the juice of a lemon and dill.

For the dough, put the heated water as bear finger.

Rub the yeast with the sugar until it liquefies, then diluted with warm water.

Add oil and salt and begin to incorporate the flour.

It hits pretty hard dough, like bread.

Let dough rest 15 minutes, then divide it into four.

We make each stroked each part of dough and stretch it into a round shape on the desktop.

Put cabbage in abundance in two of the four sheets and cover the other two edges sticking them well.

I'm lying on a row to not increase too much batter of the two pies.

Brush with a little oil vessel multicookerului but little, just enough to grease our fingers and place the first pie in it.

We ship the device, connect the device to a power source and select the program BAKE for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

After 10-12 minutes, check if the pie is browned on the bottom and back around. I have tested the device at these two little pies. The one I set the temperature to 150 degrees and I set the time to 40 minutes, but was prepared in 30 minutes, 20 minutes on the first side and 10 on the second part, instead I liked more color pie.

We served hot with garlic grains with sprouts.

They are delicious!
