Strawberry Mille-Feuille

When I started this blog my first cake was Mille-Feuille with cremme patissiere . That was a bit over a year ago and to celebrate I've decided to make a Mille-Feuile again but a bit different.

   - 500g puff pastry
   - 600ml double cream
   - 500 g strawberries
   - icing sugar for decorating

Cut the puff pastry in rectangles 10cm X 7cm. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper, add the pastry rectangles and cover with another layer of grease proof paper. Place a baking tray on top of everything to keep the pastry flat.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200C/gasmark 6/400F for 10-15 minutes on until golden.

Leave the pastry to cool then sprinkle with icing sugar.

Mix the double cream until stiff and place it on to half of the pastry rectangles using a piping bag if possible.

Cut the strawberries in thin slices (save 6 strawberries to make a sauce)

Layer the strawberries on top of the cream so that is covers it completely.

Cover with another layer of cream place the rest of the pastry rectangles on top and dust with icing sugar.

Serve with a sauce made from 6 strawberries cut in small cubes and 6 tsp of granulated sugar. Add the ingredients in a sauce pan and let it simmer on a low heat until it thickens steering all the time so that it doesn't stick.

You can make a puree from some of your  strawberries and add it to your cream if you want to add a bit of color to your cake.

