Romanian Mamaliga

Is a porridge made out of yellow maize flour, traditional in Romania and Moldova. It is similar to the Italian polenta.
Historically a peasant food, it was often used as a substitute for bread or even as a staple food in the poor rural areas. However, in the last decades it has emerged as an upscale dish available in the finest restaurants.

   - 750 ml water 
   - corn meal (I never know how much corn meal, depends how thick you want it and depends on the corn meal)
   -  pinch of salt
   - 1 tsp oil

Boil the water with the pinch of salt and a pinch of cornmeal (my Nan adds a little bit of cornmeal in the water, the reason why I don't know but her "Mamaliga"is the best so I am giving you her recipe)

When the water starts to boil add the cornmeal one spoon at a time and mix everything quick until it starts to come off the sides of the pan and you get the consistency you desire. Sometimes you can get finer cornmeal then the others so you may need less or more of it.

The consistency of "Mamaliga" should be that of  creamy mash potatoes.

