Chocolate Cake

        It's been a while since I had this chocolate cake. My dad use to take us to the bakery when we were little and this was on the top of my wish list which is why it holds a special place in my heart.

   - 6 eggs
   - 6 tbsp caster sugar
   -  2 tbsp vegetable oil
   - 1 tbsp water
   - 6 tbsp plain flour
   - 2 tbsp cocoa
   - 1 tsp baking powder

   - 300 g dark chocolate
   - 300 ml double cream

   - 200 ml water
   - 5 tbsp sugar
   - I used 1 tsp of cognac

   - 300 granulated sugar
   - 150 ml water
   - 2 tbsp honey
   - 2 tbsp cocoa

   Separate the eggs then mix the egg yolks with the sugar, oil and water until it doubles in volume and becomes whiter.

     In a bowl mix the flour, cocoa and baking powder then fold it in with the egg yolks.

        Mix the egg whites until stiff and fluffy then add it to the yolk mixture and fold them gently from top to bottom.

     Line a baking tray (30X20) with grease proof paper and pour in the chocolate mixture. Bake at 180C/gas mark 4 for 30-35 minutes or until a cocktail stick comes out clean after you stick it in the middle of the cake.

     When the sponge is done lift it out of the tray and put it aside to cool.

     When it has cooled down completely, cut it in half, lift the top and put it aside.

   Put a sauce pan on a low heat with the water,  sugar and cognac and let it simmer until the sugar has melted. With a spoon drip the syrup on the sponge until it is moist.

   Melt the chocolate with the double cream. When melted take it off the heat and leave it to cool down, then mix the chocolate cream until fluffy.

     Spread the cream on the bottom part of the cake then put the other part on top. Keep a bit of cream for decorating.

     First put a bowl or pan in the fridge (I used a glass bowl) then in a sauce pan put the water and pour the sugar in the middle. Let it simmer for 12-15 minutes until you get a glossy syrup. To check if it is done get a glass with cold water and drip a few drops of the syrup and if it forms little bubbles on the bottom of the glass then it is done. Add the honey and take it off the heat.

     Pour the syrup into the cold bowl and mix until it becomes stiff and it turns white.

     After you've put the cake together cut it into squares. Put the bowl with the glaze in a pan with water, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch the water. Add 1-2 tbsp of cold water to the glaze and mix everything together until you get a creamy texture, then add the cocoa. Put one tbsp of glazing on each square then pipe a bit of cream on top.

