Romanian Stew "tochitura"

 - 500gr pork meat
- 1 smoked sausage
- 200g feta cheese if you can't find "telemea"
- sunflower oil
- thyme
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 egg
- polenta corn flower

Cut the meat in about 1 inch cubes and the sausages in 2 inch long segments.Put a little oil in a deep,thick walled pot and begin cooking the meat .When it starts lightly browning add the bacon and sausages.Continue cooking till the meat gets a nice brown color and add the chopped garlic,thyme,pepper and oregano.Cook for 2-3 minutes then add the cup of wine and continue cooking till the wine is completely evaporated and there is not much liquid in the pot.In another pot make a polenta( "Mamaliguta") from the maize flour,salt and a little oil,you can find this recipe under the .While everything is still hot it is time to assemble the dish.On a plate put some polenta and make an indentation in the middle and in that indentation and on the edges put the meat and sausages.Shred the cheese liberally on top,also as a finishing touch make a fried egg and place it on top.
