Salata de fasole grasa galbena cu usturoi

“Garlicky yellow Romano bean salad”

I made this dish with the remaining Romano beans after making a ‘mancarica de fasole grasa galbena’ (a stew of yellow Romano beans). It’s pretty simple (unless you make your own mayonnaise) and works well as a cold salad dish for a sunny day barbeque or alongside some grilled chicken for a main course. It’s nice just served up with some crusty toasted bread too and makes a simple starter than can be prepared well in advance. Keeps in the fridge well too (for a few days, at least).

Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 3-4 (as a dip, spread, starter dish)

400g of yellow Romano beans
A splash of olive oil or a knob of butter
3-4 cloves of garlic
50g of mayonnaise
Salt and pepper to taste
Parsley or dill

1. Trim the tops and tails off the beans and break or chop them into 5cm pieces.
2. Put them in a saucepan and cover with water, add a splash of olive oil or a knob of butter, bring to the boil, and boil until soft (about 15-20 minutes). When cooked, leave them to cool down and drain.
3. Break up the beans a little – don’t mash them into a puree, just break them down, with a fork or a couple of spins of a hand blender, into smaller pieces.
4. Add the garlic and the mayonnaise and mix well.
5. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add in some chopped parsley or dill, and serve cold.
