Salata de Vinete (Eggplant Salad)


3 large Black Beauty Eggplants
1 medium onion 
3 tsp salt (approx.)
3 Tbs vegetable oil


1. After poking holes into the eggplants with a fork until you feel satisfied, bake the eggplants at 500 deg. F for one hour on a pan. Coat the pan with oil for an easier clean up or just cover the pan with aluminum foil for a really easy clean up.

2. Remove from oven and let cool for at least 10 min.

3. Peel the skin off of the eggplants and discard. Place the eggplant innards into a strainer for 2 to 4 hours to let the juices drain. This step is very important because the juices in the eggplant do not taste good and will ruin the salad if not drained. Do not drain overnight either because the eggplant can be too dry.

4. Take the onion and chop into very small pieces then place onto a cutting board. If the onion pieces are too big, the salad will have a strong onion taste as you bite into the large onion pieces so cut them small. Sprinkle salt onto the onion pieces and crush the salt into the onion with a fork. If you do not do this your eggplant salad will taste bad and when it does taste bad you will know why. Getting the onion to taste right in this salad is almost impossible unless you are my mother so I suggest sauteing the onion in a little bit of olive oil for a minute or two to get the bite out of the onion.

5. Put the eggplant, onion and oil in a large mixing bowl and mix it very well in a circular fashion with a wooden spoon or a fork until the consistency of butter. Basically make it look like the pictures above.

6. Eat with sliced tomato or salsa on homemade bread or french bread. It can be a meal in itself.
