Mamaliga (Romanian style polenta)

Mamaliga is a staple of romanian cuisine. It is cooked in many different ways. This is the way my family cooks it. It is so simple yet one of the most delicious Romanian foods. We were raised on this and it reminds me of eating dinner with the family. It's one of the only things that my Dad actually knows how to cook and I love it. Give it a try and let me know if my directions are useful and easy to follow. You may need to try it a few times before you get it right.


4 cups Water
2 cups Cornmeal (medium ground is best)
1 tsp salt


1. Put the water into a thick walled pot and put heat to High, this is the probably the most important part of cooking this. The pot has to be thick or the cornmeal will burn and destroy your pot. Add the salt to the water.

2. When the water starts to boil, start adding the cornmeal a small handful at a time with one hand while mixing it constantly with a whisk in the other hand.

3. Once all the cornmeal is in the pot stop stirring with the whisk, put the heat down to medium, put the lid on and let it boil for 10 mins. The cornmeal will be thick at this point.

4. After you boil it, take a large wooden spoon and mix thoroughly for one min.

5. Turn off the oven and take the pot and pour the whole mixture quickly onto a large plate all at once making a little mountain of Mamaliga.

6. Can be eaten with sour cream, feta cheese, butter, cottage cheese on the side or mixed all together.

7. Our families favorite way to eat Mamaliga is mixed together with crumbled boiled egg, butter and feta cheese.
