I love foccacia. It's very versatile, as you can top it with pretty much anything you want. I also like just simple, plain foccacia, like the one I made. You can eat it with soups, salads, or just by itself. This is a super easy and quick recipe. You can have a nice, yummy foccacia in just about 90 minutes. Enjoy!
Ingredients:-2 tsp fast-rising dry yeast
-1 cup warm water + 2 Tbs
-2 Tbs sugar
-3 1/2 to 4 cups flour
-1 Tbs salt
-1/4 cup olive oil
Preheat oven to 400 F.
In your mixer's bowl, add the yeast, cup of water and sugar. Mix a little, then let stand for about 3minutes, or until foamy. With the mixer set on low, slowly add the flour. In a small cup, dissolve the salt in the 2 Tbs water. Pour into dough. Add olive oil to the mixture. Mix until dough is smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes), adding flour as necessary.
Grease large bowl. Place dough into bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and place on top of stove (it should be warm from the oven). Let stand for about 45 minutes, or until double in size.
Coat a baking sheet with a bit of oil and stretch dough on it. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 15 minutes. With the bottom of a wooden spoon, dimple the dough. Brush the surface with more olive oil. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Cut into pieces and enjoy!
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