Mint Brownies

I have many wonderful memories from attending BYU, one of them, of course, being about my sweet husband.  A very fond memory though is brought by the delicious mint brownies they have there.  I got completely addicted on them!:)  This recipe comes pretty close.  The mint frosting is a tad bit runny (maybe I over mixed it).  But other than that, they are great!  Enjoy!
Ingredients for batter:
-1 cup butter
-4 eggs
-2 cups sugar
-2 tsp vanilla
-1/2 tsp salt
-1/2 cup cocoa powder
-1 1/2 cups flour
Mix well together.  The batter will be quite thick.  Pour into greased 9x13 baking pan.  Bake at  F for 30 minutes.  Let cool completely.  When cool, top with mint frosting, then with chocolate frosting (both recipes following).  Let it set for a couple of hours.  Cut into pieces and enjoy!
Mint frosting:
-3 cups powder sugar
-6 Tbs butter
-2 tsp mint extract
-3 Tbs milk
-green food coloring (as much as desired)
Chocolate frosting:
-melt 3 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
-melt 3 Tbs butter
Combine them together and mix very well.
