No knead rolls or bread

I got this recipe from a lady at my church.  It is super easy and sooo yummy!  The rolls come out soft and puffy, enticing you to eat them hot, right out of the oven.
-1 cup warm water
-2 T yeast (or one packet)
-1 cup boiling water
-1 stick margarine
-1/2 cup sugar
-2 tsp salt
-2 eggs, beaten
-5 1/2 cups flour (you can also do 2 1/2 c white flour and 3 c whole wheat flour)
Soften the yeast with warm water and set aside.  Mix boiling water and margarine until melted.  Cool it a bit, but not completely.  To this, add the sugar, salt and eggs.  When completely cool, add the yeast mixture and the flour.  Stir together and let it rise for 1 hour.  Add 1/2 c more flour and let it rise again (about 1 hour).  Shape into rolls, bread, pizza or whatever you want.  Let it rise again (for about 30 min).  For rolls, bake at 350 for 15-17 minutes.  For bread, bake at 400 for 35 minutes.  Enjoy!
