Besides being a remarkable woman and a great example for everyone, Annemaw, my husband's sweet grandma, was also an amazing cook. While I enjoyed these rolls very much made by other family members, I have never made them myself until today. I guess my oven is very powerful because I baked them for the lower amount of time recommended and they still came out a lot more brown than I would've liked. They were still absolutely delicious! The sweet buttery taste will sure win you over. Enjoy!
Ingredients:-1 packet yeast
-6 Tbs sugar
-1 3/4 tsp salt
-1/4 c melted shortening
-3/4 c lukewarm water
-3/4 c milk, scalded and cooled
- 5 to 5 1/4 c flour
Soften yeast in cooled milk. Add salt, shortening, sugar and water. Add flour, a little a a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Turn onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Cover with a warm, damp cloth. Let rise until double in bulk. Roll to 1/3 inch thickness. Cut in rounds 2 inches in diameter. Crease middle of each roll with dull edge of knife. Brush lower half of the roll with melted butter. Fold over, pressing together with the palm of the hand. Place close together in rows on well greased baking sheet. Cover again and let rise until double in bulk. Bake at 450 for 15-18 minutes (or 10 minutes if you have a newer oven) . Enjoy!
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